Welcome to the Blue Moon

If you like the stories, I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment on the blog or drop me an email.

All stories on this blog and related blogs are fictional. Any representation of actual people or events is purely coincidental. These stories should be read only as fantasy and are intended for a mature audience. If you are not of legal age or such works are illegal in your country, please visit Google for more appropriate sites.


11/3/16: The return of the original Unbreakables.

6/14/15: The Call of the Seven Peaks -- a new story in the Unbreakables Universe

12/8/15: In the Lift--Star Trek fan fiction

12/15/15: Never Parted--Star Trek fan fiction

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Taking Stock

For long time followers of my stories there have been many changes. My stories started in a genre most commonly called discipline fiction, but which maybe can be described better as a sort of soft BDSM. I'll freely admit that I created them by disassembling the common tropes in the genre and reengineering them into new stories. It was a genre of set patterns and established archetype characters which made it a doable genre for a novice writer. It was also a genre of uncomplicated plots, culminating in the world being set right by the ideal hero.

Only a few days ago, I was. Listening to a piece on NPR on the male heroes of Hollywood up to the development of the rating system, heroes who were the idolized male figure, impossible and unreal in their perfection. They were strong and brave and beautiful, and they never failed. As I was listening to the piece, it seemed to me that those heroes might not have disappeared, but only shifted genres to romance fiction and especially to the genre of gentle slash bdsm.

Film critics remark on the single dimensional perfection of film heroes, and as a writer I felt the opposing pull of fulfilling the needs of the story with a perfect hero versus the need for greater realism and multi-dimensional characters. For a time, I tried to balance the two, remaining in a genre where I was continually pushing on the borders of acceptable. I wanted a dominant who felt like a real man and not Fred Astaire and John Wayne rolled into one. Readers of Reality Check can see the shift in my characterization, not that I've ever been satisfied that Milton doesn't appear as the perfect hero and dominant. After all, the man does manage a harem with unbelievable ease. Ultimately I decided Reality Check could remain in the world of John Wayne and Fred Astaire. The series was named Reality Check for a reason; it was never meant to be more than a fun romp. The ending was grittier than the beginning, but it was still very much a utopian world.

The Unbreakables was born as a bit of a light diversion, created with the idea of writing short stories in a universe where Kor and I wouldn't struggle with the ethical questions of bleeding dominance to realms outside of the bedroom. For its readers, it is obvious that it shifted from its original framework to a large project that has escaped the realms of BDSM and romance fiction. I am not good at writing similar stories with different clothes and quickly become bored. For me, writing is at least partially about the challenge of pushing my skills and trying to write something better each time. Just as I felt imprisoned in the strictures of discipline fiction, BDSM romance has demands and expectations. To those few who persevered to the end of Empires, I am sure you are aware that the romance and BDSM elements were increasingly being flimsily tacked onto a story that now about something far different. It is with this in mind that out future goal is to rework the Unbreakables to fit into the fantasy and adventure world where it will hopefully find a broader audience.

For me, the purpose of posting fiction to the internet has always been to facilitate a discussion between the readers and the authors, a discussion that I hoped would help me hone a craft in which I am far from an expert. Unfortunately after struggling with various story venues, I am less and less certain such a discussion is possible and more and more certain that desiring such an exchange is somewhat as realistic as finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Honestly while there has been pleasure at times knowing that I have brought a speck of joy to the reader, my experience in these venues has mostly been unique and frustrating to put it as delicately as possible.  Ultimately for a number of reasons, creating a culture to broaden and strengthen the writers craft seems impossible or at least impossible for me. My experience has been that the connection between the reader and the writer is fragile. Some writers have complained of a culture of entitlement from the readers where they seem unaware of the time and effort to create even a slightly readable story. Certainly I think this does come into play, but I am also inclined to believe that often silence or the frustrating and demanding replies to write more, quickly is more of a hesitancy to expose oneself and an unsureness as what is proper as well as desire to remain anonymous in a world outside the accepted norms.

No matter the cause, all my attempts to facilitate communication have failed. Within the group forums, I either felt that I was coercing responses or being ask to become a character within one of my own worlds, an experience which I found very disturbinng as I write worlds of strongly questionable ethics. Groups are also rapidly dominated by a few, and it takes constant vigilance to make those with opposing viewpoints feel even halfway welcome. Group politics are not my strength. Groups also, in my opinion, encourage the readers to attempt to train the writers to produce works to the readers' fantasies. I have both experienced this and watched it happen with other writers, most who quit writing altogether after either several collective rounds of silence or a snowballing thrashing for daring to cross some unwritten rule of the genre. Personally I don't mind being blasted for rule breaking in a genre; I was often courting it, as an irate response can often help shape a story. For me, what is backbreaking is the silence, and for any who have read The Unbreakables, the silence is vast.

Blogs are perhaps not the ideal forum to develop an interplay between the reader and the writer, but as I write outside the bounds of fan fiction, there are few other venues. Most of the various collecting and aggregating sites outside of Wattpad are either fan fiction or strongly pornographic.  As the start of the Unbreakables could be considered within a fannish realm as it followed an AU BDSM type universe. We did post on AO3, but AO3 is a home for fan fiction and its readers. It's an excellent site, but it's not the right shelf space for the Unbreakables or any future works. Fiction moving away from pornography and hurt/comfort has a lonely world on the internet. At this point, I doubt is any of my future fiction will be available either here or on AO3. The primary driver of traffic to this blog is Tarabeth's Tearoom, and understandably readers are disappointed at my current output just as readers on AO3 are disappointed to find no Holmes or Stiles or any other of their favorite characters.

For now, I will leave all my current posted stories available here, but as the revision continues on the Unbreakables it will be removed for the long term goal of moving toward publication. Over the last two years, I removed a significant portion of my earlier fiction from this site to distance myself from some of the elements that I found uncomfortable. I will probably repost those as an orphaned archive for those who wish to read them. Some of them make me wince, but I also oppose censorship, and there removal is definitely censorship. They will trickle back up as I have time. (They have started to trickle back in The Attic.)

To all those who have stopped by and enjoyed the stories, thank you. Onward and upward or maybe downward; only time will tell.


  1. rentrer de vacances!

    j'ai relu les derniers épisodes des unbreakables!!!!

    comme je le disais GENIAL!

    j'ai adoré la fin


    MERCI pour les merveilleux moments que vous m'avez fait passé

    et j'avoue que je suis un peu triste de quitter aleron taurin ronan éliot et tous vos personnages

    ils vont me manquer

    je suis heureux de retrouver les personnages de reality check dans l'histoire courte

    ce sont des des personnages que j'adore également! tout comme les personnages de affar

    je suis toujours un peu triste lorsqu'une série s'arrête

    vos personnages sont tellement attachants qu'il est dur de leur dire adieu

    on espère toujours que vous nous donniez des nouvelles d'eux de temps en temps

    je suis heureux que vous nous fassiez découvrir vos premiers récits

    je vais commencer à les lire dès aujourd'hui

    quand j'ai lu "taking stock" mon cœur c'est arrêter de battre j'ai cru un instant que vous ne vouliez plus écrire

    mais ouf ce n'est pas le cas

    j'adore trop vos écrits

    vous savez tellement nous tenir en haleine, nous faire frémir, mettre à jours nos émotions....

    chaque matin je vais voir votre blog

    je suis vraiment accro car en vacances j'étais en manque

    non! ne riez pas pas! c'est vrai....

    encore merci pour tout

    1. Thanks as always for your very kind words. We have very much enjoyed your comments through the entire Unbreakables series. Your enthusiasm was wonderful, and we will post updates of our new projects at this site.

  2. Thank you for the wonderful read. Although I prefer a more happily ever after, I loved it. No matter what gender you have written in I enjoyed watching you grow and change in your writings, from light entertainment to deep thought provocation.. Thank you again,

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I will only slightly terrorize you with the idea that the ending was happier than planned. :)

  3. Hi,

    I wanted to apologise for not engaging more in the Empires. I only very recently stumbled across this blog and I didn't feel like my input would be wanted or helpful in any way, which I realise now must seem silly from your perspective.

    I do believe in a world where BDSM elements and political intrigue can coexist but I also recognise how particularly towards the latter half of the story, it felt as if the BDSM and discipline elements werea distraction from the plot. I am curious as to how the blessed of Tamor will be reworked in this new story and whether some of the relationships will remain (albeit perhaps in different genders). I do also hope that some of the characters and relationships will be kept as is, either as a nod to the story's origins or as a reflection of the real world.

    Perhaps this is out of the realm of the discussion you wished to facilitate but I have always struggled deeply with the morality of BDSM universes and my desire to read them. There is no doubt that they are fantasy but these fantasies embed themselves into our real consciousness and I don't deny that they may affect how I perceive the world. If you don't mind, I'd love to hear what you think on this topic.

    Thank you again so much.

    1. Thanks for dropping me a note. No fear with the revised Empires, many of the characters will stay the same. The BDSM will obviously exit stage left and there are some new characters.

      As for you second comment, I rather agree there is a morality issue in these stories. For me the darker stories, such as Empires, and the clearly demarcated fantasy universe series are less troublesome than stories set ostensibly in our world where the power exchange bleeds beyond mutual pleasure in the bedroom. Ultimately this is one of the main reasons, I no longer write the sunny discipline fiction of my earliest stories. They were meant to be taken as farces and fairy tales, but they weren't always seen in that light, and I, as the writer, felt as if I was making propaganda for domestic abuse. I even removed many from my site. I have decided to repost them with heavy warnings, but I still have strongly mixed feelings about them. As a writer, I believe in a strong separation between fantasy and real life, and I also strive not to write only my personal fantasy or my own beliefs. My views on corporal punishment are categorically opposite to most of the views expressed by the characters in the stories. I enjoy reflecting on power dynamics and on gender roles and at times my stories reflect that. Ultimately I write about power, and power has an ugly side. Morally, I do feel that power cannot be glossed over as always benign unless the story can be understood as total light hearted escapism or as overdone parody.

      I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts.

  4. dans votre grenier ( the attic)il y a de vrai perle

    j'ai pas encore tout lu mais j'ai beaucoup aimé "aide juridique

    toutes vos histoires sont superbes

    vous avez un vrai talent pour nous faire frémir

    et m^me si au départ je vous ai découvert à travers des sites de BDSM

    j'ai hâte de lire la suite de vos histoires

    il arrive toujours quelque chose inattendue


    1. Thank you so much. I'm glad you found pearls in the trunks in my attic. I still have a large pile to put up. I had no idea I did so many shorts. I also have two novels that I never posted that will get added at some point, one that I like quite well with werewolves and one about which my feelings are mixed.

  5. Arrgh...just lost my comment.

    OK, shorter rewrite...

    Loved fic both Reality Check and Unbreakables. Bad at commenting.

    Don't think that writing fiction will necessarily drive or create the dialogue or conversation you are looking for. Blog posts discussing such fiction would probably.

    Keep posting original fic at AO3. Site founded to publish everything/anything people want to post. Found your fics by link hopping within AO3 and browsing by tag and summary.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you enjoyed the story. Unfortunately AO3 does expressively forbid fiction that is not fannish in nature. Fannish is a very broad term and left for the author to interpret, but as we rewrite Empires, we both no longer consider it fannish. Empires will no longer be an AU BDSM story and that was the very element that made it fannish.

  6. I am not sure what to say to what you wrote, not because I am unable to comprehend but because I fear it means that the readers that follow your writing, myself included will no longer be able to read your wonderful words. I am Isabelle Snape and I just left you a review for Empires.

    If you can get any of your works published especially Empires and the Prisoner please do. I am a submissive and I struggle with it, wanting to be but being told it is shameful by all. I do not know your dynamic, but really thank you for writing these stories.

    I hate that my way of life has to be sensitized in order for people to find value in it, I despise books that use sappiness to make what should already be accepted acceptable to the masses. That is why Empires kill me because I wish to be Tamor but ultimately even I have the mentality of the Alliance.

    I love that you write about power and it's dark side, what you write while AU is in many ways the world we live in today. I don't think you should be cowed by others for your truth telling. Your stories make me want to cry, not because they are bad but because they reveal the shame I have at who I am what I as a citizen can not do.

    I just want you to know your stories are amazing.

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting on the stories. I'm glad you found them moving, and I hope you found some comfort and enjoyment in them, even if sometimes they also caused anguish. We will let our readers know when and where future stories will appear. We are currently hard at work on the new parts of the Unbreakables.

  7. I first discovered your writing through Reality Check, which I loved. As you moved away from the RC universe and started writing The Unbreakables I read and loved that too. However, RL then got the better of my time online and I fell behind :( I would like to start reading it again (from the beginning :), but if you're revising it then I am happy to wait and purchase it when it is published - firstly because I'd like to read it when it's in the form that you want it read in...and by purchasing it let you know that I value your writing; and secondly because I do find it hard to read long stories online (I much prefer to read them on my eReader :) However, if it's still available on AO3 then I guess I could read both versions *grin*

    Apologies this comment is very short and doesn't touch on the many things in your post. I always find your posts very thought-provoking, although I do find it hard to articulate my responses :) I'm working on that :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by. The story is still up on AO3. The new version when we finally get it finish will be different, so I might humbly suggest reading both. :)
